Category Archives: 2012 07

British 10k Run | London 08 Jul 2012 (Race forfeited over injury)

The British 10K London Run is the UK’s most prestigious and sought-after 10km road race which is staged on the world’s greatest route through the heart of central London. 25,000 runners fill the streets of the nation’s capital and get the unique chance to run past many of the country’s greatest landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. Abilities range from charity fund raisers and recreational runners right through to Olympic champions!

The 2012 event is staged just 19 days before the start of the Olympic Games and the excitement and buzz within London at this time should make for a truly special occasion and the best British 10k London Run in its 12 year history.

A day to go – Race forfeited over injury.
Instead personal trainer SD creates a 2hr workout for my upper body, with increase intensity. SD put me through my paces, and always opting for the weights he knows I should be on and aiming to get me active and back to a better balance of fitness and strength. SD was joining in with his own huge massive weights. Never forfeited any race before. Quite disheartening.

Warmup on the rower.
3x 6 reps 6kg seated shoulder press – which I detested and began to find it a struggle when SD said to extend the range as much as I can on the down.
3x 12 reps 3kg front raise – much preferred
3x 24 reps 2kg lat raise – very familiar with trying it recently in front of the tv with 2kgs
3x Chin ups – Oh My. Always watched my brother do these when I was younger and here was SD making me do them. So glad he was nearby.
3x 6 reps 10kg Bent over row – I felt my forearms begin to get rather tired.. disliked this one. SD said it was natural seeing how much we had done already.
3x 24 reps 3kg Biceps curls – Again, very familiar with trying it recently in front of the tv with 2kgs, interestingly was SD finding this one a struggle! Lol.
3x Dips – Very interesting, again, on same place as the Chin ups, I found this one easier and think I could have a go on my own. I just get confused when to breathe in or breathe out. Lol.
3x 6 reps 10kg Pullovers – Careful of the hips, but was a good one and i felt the right places work hard as i wasn’t giving up.
3x 12 reps Triceps Extensions – Very happy with this, I remember doing it when I used to train Thai Boxing days, only this was with a rope and again was encouraged to extend the range further.

A very good 90min intense workout, and I asked if we could walk it off to the park nearby and back seeing as though I can’t run. Hips had been iffy each time i bent down each rep to change weights and routine. Then the walk was ended when my hips were increasingly getting very uncomfortable and unhappy in niggling pain. Sad face. But I have to be sensible.

Still all in all. I am glad SD gave me a workout. He knows how unhappy I have been about deciding to forfeit tomorrow’s race, but I need to, as I am in pain and need to be better for the GNR, so donned the British 10k tee, as I trained hard today,

I am wishing every participant tomorrow, all the best, have fun and finish the race for me xx

2 days to go – Spoken again to my GP and he was hesitant when I suggested perhaps I could still do a 10k, but in my gym and that way I would have the security and less pressure if I suddenly am in pain again. So I am going to forfeit the 10k, I am so upset about this. The additional reason being I can’t possibly make it to the wedding on time and I respect my friend’s special day to be present, all the way across town. Sidekick is also gearing up with his swimming again, making me feel awful not being active. So mate personal trainer SD is going to give me an upper body training session tomorrow in place of it. So sad, i am looking forward to it!

4 days to go – having my sports physio, my GP and also a top orthopaedic surgeon having diagnosis externally my hip injury (see main event I am currently training for Great North Run Half Marathon blog) I am being advised to rest but to see how it feels. GP and Surgeon both have recommended me to get a MR scan to make sure there hasnt been any impingement and have put me in touch with not just another physio at the Royal London, Whitechapel hospital. It is significantly still uncomfortable after long periods, additionally with an afternoon wedding out in the suburbs, the odds are against me and I think fate is trying to tell me something. The race pack, with chip timer etc has arrived and it sits on the table close by making me feel horrible. I have given it some thought logistically, how I will be able to dash from race (if I even survive it) back to shower to get ready and make way to the wedding…. or I could do the 10k, but elsewhere, on same day, but first thing, so like the Nike Human Race years ago, which took place globally, I would be still in mind and spirit and less pressure on myself, venturing out all there as my first race with incomplete recovery, if i performed locally….

British 10k London Run route 2012

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